List of Stand Like Stone Foundation Sub Funds

Fund Focus – Grant Giving

  • Brian Page Focis on Youth Sub Fund – Provides grants to projects with educational outcomes with a focus on youth in the region.
  • Penola Coonawarra Wellbeing Sub Fund – Provides grants to charitable projects that benefit the greater Penola Coonawarra region.
  • Limestone Coast Agri-Links Mental Health Sub Fund – Provides grants to help raise awareness of mental health throughout the Limestone Coast.
  • Annette Balnaves Sub Fund – Provides grants for charitable projects that benefit the greater Penola Coonawarra region.
  • Lorry Humphreys Memorial Sub Fund – Provides grants for charitable projects relating to trades and the arts.
  • Naracoorte & Districts Sub Fund – Provides grants for charitable projects that benefit the greater Naracoorte region.
  • Steven Noble Memorial Sub Fund – Provides grants for charitable projects that benefit the communities of Allendale East, Kongorong and Port MacDonnell.
  • Keith Hospital Future Fund – Provides grants to support the Keith Hospital.
  • Beachport Sub Fund – Provides grants for charitable projects that benefit the Beachport area.
  • South East Disaster Relief Sub Fund – Provides grants for charitable purposes to organisations to assist with disaster relief in the region. Grants can be made for charitable purposes to organisations to assist with disaster preparedness or prevention in the region, and used for funding education and/or other charitable community projects designed to assist in making the Limestone Coast community a more disaster proof area.
  • CCW Memorial – Provides grants for charitable projects and activities that assist disadvantaged students, or supports the Millicent Flexible Learning Centre and its students.
  • Beth McKay Memorial – Provides grants for charitable projects that will benefit youth developing skills in choral, vocal or performance arts with an emphasis on music.
  • Naracoorte Seeds –  Provides grants to charitable projects projects that will benefit rural communities and outcomes within the Limestone Coast.
  • Stand Like Stone General  – Provides grants to charitable projects benefiting the Limestone Coast.

Fund Focus – Educational Scholarships

  • L M Woodruff Memorial Scholarship – Provides scholarships to assist young women identifying with the Limestone Coast undertake a nursing career at any level.  This scholarship can be given to a secondary student with an ambition to study nursing or can be given to a student entering tertiary study.
  • Mount Gambier High School Student Scholarship – Provides educational scholarships to past, current or future students of Mount Gambier High School.  This includes any previous or current Mount Gambier High School students, primary school students who will be attending Mount Gambier High School or students who are moving from another school to Mount Gambier High School in the year that the scholarship applies.
  • Keith Area School Student Scholarship – Provides educational scholarships to past, current or future students of Keith Area School.  This includes any previous or current Keith Area School students or students who are moving from another school to Keith Area School in the year that the scholarship applies.
  • Kingston Community School Student Scholarship – Provides educational scholarships to past, current or future students of Kingston Community School.  This scholarship will be awarded on reasons of equity (as defined in ‘How are scholarships awarded’)  in the year that the scholarship applies.
  • Lucindale Area School Student Scholarship – Provides educational scholarships to past, current or future students of Lucindale Area School.  This includes any previous or current Lucindale Area School students and students who are moving from another school or kindergarten to Lucindale Area School in the year that the scholarship applies. The scholarship can also be used to assist current or past students of Lucindale Area School to undertake further educational studies at a tertiary level – such as, but not limited to, University, TAFE and other approved courses.
  • Grant High School Student Scholarship – Provides educational scholarships to past, current or future students of Grant High School.  This includes any previous or current Grant High School students and students who are moving from another school to Grant High School in the year that the scholarship applies. The scholarship can also be used to assist current or past students of Grant High School to undertake further educational studies at a tertiary level – such as, but not limited to, University, TAFE and other approved courses.
  • Millicent High School Student Scholarship – Provides educational scholarships to past, current or future students attending or enrolling at Millicent High School.  This includes current Millicent High School students, primary school students who will be attending Millicent High School or students who are moving from another school to Millicent High School in the year that the scholarship applies.  The scholarship can also be used to assist current or past students of Millicent High School to undertake further educational studies at a tertiary level – such as, but not limited to, University, TAFE and other approved courses.
  • L T O’Connor Scholarship – Provides scholarships for reasons of merit (as defined in ‘How are scholarships awarded’) in the area of music to people identifying with the Limestone Coast to assist them in furthering their experiences and knowledge in music.
  • de Nys Family Memorial Scholarship – Provides scholarships for reasons of equity (as defined in ‘How are scholarships awarded’) for low income families for primary, secondary or tertiary students identifying with the greater Mount Gambier area.
  • Brian Page Focis on Youth Scholarship – Provides scholarships to assist people identifying with the Limestone Coast to undertake educational studies at any level – primary, secondary or tertiary courses.
  • Penola Coonawarra Vititec Community Scholarship – Used to provide scholarships to kindergarten, primary, secondary or tertiary students with a connection to the greater Penola Coonawarra area. The scholarship was established upon the winding up of VITITEC which aimed  to increase the knowledge of grape growing and viticultural techniques in the region.
  • Cornerstone Scholarship – Was first offered in 2015 and provides scholarships for reasons of equity or merit to benefit kindergarten, primary, secondary or tertiary students identifying with the greater Bordertown area.
  • SARWG Scholarship – Established via a donation from the Mt Gambier SA Rural Womens Gathering and supported by Women in Business and Regional Development. The SARWG scholarship was first offered in 2015 and provides scholarships to benefit rural women identifying with the Limestone Coast in the pursuit of their educational goals.
  • The Balnaves Fdn Scholarship – The Balnaves Fdn Educational Scholarship is provided for reasons of equity or merit to benefit kindergarten, primary, secondary or tertiary students identifying with the greater Penola area or the Limestone Coast. The scholarship will be awarded to assist with study, with a focus on young people, the disadvantaged and indigenous communities. It is preferable (but not essential), to award the scholarship to a student that has an interest in the region and the indigenous history of the area.
  • The LE & NC Myers Scholarship – The LE & NC Myers Educational Scholarship is provided for reasons of equity or merit to support young people under the guardianship of the Minister or who have exited the guardianship of the Minister to achieve their goals in vocational and tertiary education.
  • Lorry Humphreys Memorial Scholarship – Lorraine Humphreys passed away at the age of 84 in October 2015. She left her estate to Stand Like Stone to provide scholarships and programs for people seeking to pursue a career in the Trades and the Arts.
  • Rackham’s Educational Scholarship – The Rackhams educational scholarships are provided for reasons of equity or merit to benefit secondary or tertiary students with a connection to the Wattle Range Council area and the Limestone Coast. Three (3) x $10,000 scholarships will be provided annually.
  • Barrie Holmes Memorial Scholarship –  The Barrie Holmes Memorial Scholarship is provided for reasons of equity or merit to benefit students with a connection to the Limestone coast to support their education with particular reference to benefit their sports and athletic development.
  • Poppy Crozier Memorial Scholarship – The Poppy Crozier memorial scholarship is provided to assist people identifying with the Limestone Coast with a preference to the Tatiara Council region with their tertiary studies relating to the agriculture sector.
  • Stand Like Stone General Scholarship – Provides scholarships to assist people identifying with the Limestone Coast to undertake educational studies at any level – primary, secondary or tertiary courses.